Automate your Basecamp and GitHub workflow

Offset Tent is a tool that synchronizes your Basecamp cards and GitHub issues. It allows you to keep your team up to date with the latest changes made to your codebases.

Getting Started

To get started you first need to login with your Basecamp profile to Offset Tent. Once you've successfully logged in, you can then select a Basecamp account that you have access to.

Once you've selected a Basecamp account, you can then create a new connection. A connection is a link between a Basecamp project and a GitHub repository. You can create as many connections as you want.


Offset Tent takes advantage of the OAuth 2.0 protocol to authorize our services to access your Basecamp account. This means that we never have access to your credentials. Instead, we securely store a set of tokens from Basecamp that allows us to update Basecamp cards on your behalf. These tokens are stored in an encrypted format and can only be decrypted by our servers.

We also use the OAuth 2.0 protocol to authorize our services to access your GitHub account. But, we also take advantage of GitHub's Apps feature which expands your control over the permissions that we have to your GitHub account.